My boring study corner - look at all those textbooks (Y) |
My Japanese styled bed |
1st wardrobe, top hanger |
1st wardrobe, bottom hanger |
Louis Vuitton 2012 Collection |
English speech palm cards - Had to remind myself to smile during the speech :') |
Snacking on dragon fruit |
Hello my dear readers! It has been months since my last blog and I am sorry for that. I have the HSC on my back and whenever I take time out of study for leisure purposes, guilt trips me over. Please don't think I study all the time, because I don't. I'm just an extremely slow worker which means I spend twice as long as other students would to complete homework and notes. Might I add procrastination to the list - Facebook and Youtube wishes me to fail my HSC.
Let me start off by shouting out, "I FEEL SO GOOD NOW THAT EXAMS ARE OVER." I think we all know how torturing exam weeks can be, but to be honest, the last three weeks came and went in a whiff for me. First I had the 'speech' English assessment, then 2U Maths and Agriculture, and the rest of them just ordered themselves one after the other and before I knew it, I was done with half-yearlies, go me!
I will be truthful to myself - I don't think I put in 100% effort. I always promise myself I will, but I never do. "Next exam, I'll try even harder because I didn't do so great this time round." Nah ah, never going to happen, sorry self. But it's okay, because I don't think I felt stressed...I stayed way too calm during those exams, which I guess is a good thing. I can only perform to my ability, not to others', and whatever I get, I get, right?
Anyway, after exams my room was a mess. I don't know how it happened, it just did. I had to sort all the past papers and notes into folders and throw away whatever was scrap. It took three long hours, but my room is now back to its original state. I have OCD and am proud of it. I also had to clean up my wardrobe because it too, was getting rather messy and only after cleaning it up, did I realise how boyish I dress these days. I have 1 skirt. 1 SKIRT. The rest of my bottoms are shorts and jeans. I have T-shirts and polos for tops and too many jackets and hoodies. I think I might need a new wardrobe before University... I really do like fashion, but can't afford it yet. Pretty shoes and fancy handbags will have to wait till I grow up.
My holidays officially commence today so I will blog more during the holidays hopefully. Dad told me my family is going for a road trip on the weekends, so I'm looking forward to that. Till then, bye!
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